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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Edward MacDowell essays

Edward MacDowell essays Edward Alexander MacDowell (1860-1908) was one of the most well known composers in the nineteenth century and as also one of the first to gain international recognition. His native land not only accepted but encouraged him-and heaped praise upon him, often so extravagantly as to put his sensitive nature ill at ease. (539, Kingman) Very talented at the piano and a great composer, Macdowell is one of the first American composers to win international praise. He stands critically as one of the pioneers of artistic music in our nations history. Not only is his music compelling, his personal life is also quite eventful. Born on December 18th 1860, Edward MacDowell was a musically and artistically talented as a boy who started piano lessons at the age of eight with Juan Buitratgo, a violinist living with MacDowells at the time. Later he studied with a Cuban friend of Juans, Pablo Desvernine, and also took occasional lessons from Teresa Carreno, another of Juans friends. In April of 1876, Edward, his mother, and Juan moved to Paris, France so he could better his studies. On October 31, 1877 he was accepted at a music academy called the Conservatoire. In that year he won a full ride scholarship and admission award as a regular piano student. On September 9, 1878 MacDowell withdrew from the Conservatoire to move to Germany to continue his piano studies. At the end of July of 1880, MacDowell came back to America to teach lessons of his own. One of his students was his future wife Marian Griswold Nevins Then in 1881 the Darmstadt Conservatory, where he taught for one year, appointed him piano instructor. His reason for leaving was that his profession gave him little time to compose. After creating such successful works as First Modern Suite op.10 and his First Piano Concerto, he realized that he had a talent for composing. He decided to ask advice from his former friend and teacher Teresa Car...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Quines pueden ajustar su estatus y sacar green card

Quines pueden ajustar su estatus y sacar green card El  ajuste de estatus  es un trmite migratorio muy ventajoso que permite a una persona que se encuentra ya en Estados Unidos sacar la tarjeta de residencia permanente (green card) sin necesidad de salir del paà ­s. Lamentablemente no todos los migrantes pueden solicitarlo. Por la importancia del ajuste migratorio, tambià ©n conocido por sus siglas en inglà ©s de AOS, en este artà ­culo se explican cules son sus ventajas, quià ©nes pueden solicitarlo, cà ³mo se tramita la solicitud y cul es la alternativa para los casos en los que no es posible. Ventajas de sacar la green card por ajuste de estatus El AOS brinda dos grandes beneficios: Evita los costes de viajar fuera de Estados Unidos para completar la tramitacià ³n de una solicitud de green card.Y, sobre todo, evita que aplique el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os. Es importante tener en consideracià ³n que esta penalidad sà ³lo aplica a las personas que se encuentran fuera de Estados Unidos y desean regresar con una visa de inmigrante o una de no inmigrante. Migrantes que pueden pedir ajuste de estatus por familia o trabajo Pueden hacerlo los migrantes que se encuentran en alguna de las siguientes categorà ­as: Los familiares inmediatos de un ciudadano americano: esposo, mujer, padres, madres e hijos menores solteros de 21 aà ±os si estn legalmente en USA o si, estando ilegalmente, su ingreso fue legal y ahora estn ilegales porque se quedaron en el paà ­s ms all del plazo autorizado de estadà ­a. Sin embargo, no se puede solicitar  si han ingresado al paà ­s ilegalmente sin pasar por un control de inmigracià ³n en una aduana.  Esto es muy importante porque impide sacar la green card sin salir de Estados Unidos a cà ³nyuges, hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os y padres de ciudadanos americanos que llegaron al paà ­s cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. En este caso hay excepciones limitadas, como el caso de familiares de militares por aplicacià ³n del programa Parole in Place (PIP). Por otra parte, los hijos casados, los hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os y los hermanos de ciudadanos americanos y los cà ³nyuges e hijos de cualquier edad de residentes permanentes sà ³lo pueden ajustar su estatus en USA si estn legalmente en el paà ­s, y debido a los tiempos de demora sà ³lo en casos excepcionales ser posible. Finalmente, los  prometidos de  ciudadanos americanos y los hijos de aquellos que hayan entrado a Estados Unidos con visas K-1 y K-2 respectivamente. Se requiere que el matrimonio se contraiga en los 90 dà ­as siguientes a haber ingresado al paà ­s. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que la boda se tiene que celebrar entre la persona pedida y el que la pide. No se puede cambiar de novio/a. Otro ejemplo de posibilidad de sacar la green card por ajuste de estatus tiene lugar cuando empresas y otras instituciones americanas como por ejemplo ONGs o universidades solicitar tarjetas de residencia para trabajadores y profesionales extranjeros. Si la peticià ³n es aprobada se proceder a solicitar su ajuste de estatus, siempre y cuando està ©n en el paà ­s legalmente. En otras palabras, ninguna empresa puede patrocinar una green card por razones de trabajo a un migrante que est en Estados Unidos con estatus de indocumentado, tanto si esa situacià ³n es porque entrà ³ ilegalmente o porque no salià ³ a tiempo del paà ­s. Ajuste de estatus con carcter derivado En ciertos casos se permite que cuando se tramita un ajuste de estatus para una persona que se pueda extender la peticià ³n a su cà ³nyuge e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.   Asilo polà ­tico, refugiados y ajuste de estatus Las personas a las que se le ha aprobado la condicià ³n de asilado  podrn al cumplir el aà ±o a contar desde esa fecha solicitar por sà ­ mismas el ajuste de estatus. Es necesario que se cumplan los siguientes requisitos: Presencia fà ­sica en Estados Unidos por al menos 365 dà ­as tras la concesià ³n de la condicià ³n de asilado.Y que las circunstancias por las que se le concedià ³ la solicitud de asilo no hayan cambiado.Podrn, asimismo, solicitar el ajuste sus cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Asimismo, podrn solicitar este beneficio migratorio tras residir en Estados Unidos por un aà ±o tras haber ingresado al paà ­s como refugiados. Cubanos y su rà ©gimen migratorio especial Para las personas con pasaporte cubano aplica la ley conocida de Ajuste Cubano. Pero tener en cuenta que ya no est en aplicacià ³n la polà ­tica de  pies secos, pies mojados. Con Ajuste Cubano se puede solicitar el ajuste de estatus tras pasar un aà ±o y un dà ­a viviendo en Estados Unidos pero se tiene que haber ingresado legalmente. Los cà ³nyuges y los hijos solteros de cualquier edad de un cubano pero que tengan otra nacionalidad podrn tambià ©n pedir el ajuste de estatus tras pasar 365 dà ­as en Estados Unidos si ingresaron legalmente. Ajuste de estatus por residencia continuada en Estados Unidos Los extranjeros que han  vivido en Estados Unidos de manera continua desde el 1 de enero de 1972 y pueden demostrarlo podrn solicitar un ajuste de estatus. Es lo que se conoce como residencia por el registry. Casos humanitarios y ajuste de estatus Tambià ©n pueden solicitar el ajuste de estatus los migrantes que han recibido una visa U por và ­ctima de violencia o una visa T por trfico humano si han vivido en los Estados Unidos por al menos por 3 aà ±os desde que recibieron esa visa. En el caso de và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica que se han regularizado mediante el programa VAWA y tienen una peticià ³n I-360 aprobada, pueden pedir el ajuste de estatus inmediatamente si son cà ³nyuges de ciudadanos. Por el contrario, si son cà ³nyuges de residentes deben esperar que llegue su fecha de prioridad. Esta puede ser la del I-360 o, si su cà ³nyuge les habà ­a pedido previamente, la del I-130. Decisià ³n judicial En casos de deportacià ³n un juez de inmigracià ³n puede decidir conceder un ajuste de estatus a un inmigrante extranjero. Esta es una de las formas de alivio con las que se puede luchar frente a la deportacià ³n. Casos especiales de menores migrantes En ocasiones, una corte americana puede decidir que un menor extranjero no puede vivir con sus padres por razones de abuso, negligencia o abandono y establece que es en interà ©s del muchacho permanecer en Estados Unidos. Estos casos se conocen como inmigrantes juveniles especiales (SIJ, siglas en inglà ©s) y se permite que estos menores soliciten un ajuste de estatus para sà ­ mismos. Casos especiales de inmigrantes militares Siempre en los tà ©rminos que disponga la ley, los extranjeros que colaboren con los Ejà ©rcitos americanos podrn, en ciertas circunstancias, solicitar un ajuste de estatus. En estos momentos se concede este beneficio a traductores e intà ©rpretes afganos e iraquà ­es. Beneficios sociales para las personas tramitando un ajuste de estatus En algunos estados las personas en trmites para ajustar su estatus son consideradas PRUCOL y se les reconoce algunos beneficios sociales. Los requisitos varà ­an segà ºn el estado y segà ºn el tipo de beneficio. Cà ³mo se pide el ajuste de estatus La planilla a llenar es la I-485. Hay que enviarla debidamente cumplimentada, con el pago de la tarifa y documentacià ³n adicional necesaria. En cuanto al momento, depende del caso. Por ejemplo, si se trata de familiares inmediatos (cà ³nyuges, hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os y padres) de ciudadanos americanos se puede enviar junto con la peticià ³n cuando se llena el I-130. Pero en los casos en los que existe un tope anual por categorà ­a hay que esperar a lo que se conoce como fecha al corriente. Para eso hay que consultar todos los meses el boletà ­n de visas. Viajar con peticià ³n pendiente y quà © hacer con retrasos y negaciones Es posible que el USCIS no apruebe la solicitud de ajuste de estatus. En estos casos, chequea si puedes apelar su decisià ³n. Asimismo, si se retrasa en dar una respuesta ms all de lo que es habitual para este tipo de trmite, consultar con un abogado si procede demandar mediante un writ of mandamus. Tambià ©n es muy importante tener en cuenta que si se inicia un proceso de ajuste de estatus no se debe salir de Estados Unidos sin pedir previamente una autorizacià ³n conocida como advance parole. El procedimiento consular como opcià ³n al ajuste de estatus Cuando  no se pueda ajustar el estatus  la opcià ³n es salir de Estados Unidos e ir a travà ©s de lo que se conoce procedimiento consular. El gran problema con esto surge cuando se ha estado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos por ms de 180 dà ­as porque aplica el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os, si bien hay casos de excepciones. Es cierto que en algunos casos es posible solicitar un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Pero las estadà ­sticas muestran que no es fcil obtenerlo. Por esta razà ³n es muy importante conocer cules son las opciones para el caso de cada uno y si hay un riesgo real de quedarse fuera de Estados Unidos por muchos aà ±os.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Importance of Accounting Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Importance of Accounting Standards - Essay Example They are the ones responsible for listing and analyzing every figure that comes in and out of the company's pocket. The main tool used by company's to determine their financial condition is the financial statement. It aims to supply important information concerning a company's financial position. Accounting practitioners have recognized the need to formulate accounting standards to be followed by every organization. They realized that it is of utmost importance not only to them but to all individuals who are engaged in business Part I Purpose and Significance of Financial Accounting Standards There are three considerations that Accounting Practitioners refer to when asked about the purpose of Accounting Standards. First is that it aids in sustaining the effectiveness of various accounting policies by getting rid of the discrepancies in financial statements. Second, it provides assistance to efficiently present credible and comparable data found in the financial statement of companies . Lastly it functions as an accounting alternative that lessens the notion of subjectivity in financial statements (Chandra, 2011). Accounting practitioners follow a set of guidelines while in the process of gathering financial information. They refer to it as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). In the United States, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) prepared by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) serve as the primary basis for entries that are required to be present in financial statements of private companies (Kuppapally, 2008). So that organizations can sustain and expand their operation, internationally accepted accounting standards were formulated, also known as the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The existence of IFRS in the global market made possible the reduction of incompatibilities in capital flows, leading to an increasing rate of investment in the global market. The International Accounting Standards Board (I ASB) is the body in charge of regulating the standards that are listed under IFRS (Chandra, 2011). Last October 29, 2002, FASB and IASB entered into a covenant known as "The Norwalk Agreement," which has recognized their duty to establish accounting standards that are adaptable to both domestic and international financial reporting. The two standard governing bodies of financial accounting made a deal to finally reconcile their differences in order to attain the objective of the agreement, which is to establish internationally accepted standard suited to the needs of the different companies in nations around the world. The signed memorandum of understanding focused on the convergence of the two. The gradual process of eliminating the differences with the help of joint projects will eventually result to an enhanced comparability of financial statements not only in the US but also in other nations (Financial Accounting Standards Board, 2002). Independent auditors strictly follow the G enerally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). These auditing standards supply the benchmark on the quality of audit that auditors must comply with. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) made possible the implementation of GAAS in auditing nonpublic companies. Auditors are obliged to know all the statements on auditing standards (SAS) because the basis of making the final decision in auditing financial reports is their judgment on what standard

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business Research Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Research Methods - Assignment Example The information that was gathered from the research completed is of great help to the company. This is because the company is able to pinpoint their strong hold like customer’s satisfaction, loyalty to its products, and its products competitiveness in the market. This is very important in any organization in order to maximize the profits (Allan, 2007, p 45). In the first part of the question that gets to know how first the customers was attended to. It’s observed that most of the customers this is approximately 62% seem to have been attended to in less than 5 minutes. This is a ratio question that its goal is to establish an exact time. The therefore having more than half of the customers falling on the upper cut in terms of in time service it’s commendable. No one likes to wait for service delivery we all detest quest .In the business world service delivery is key (Fraser, 1990, p 23). The second question in the research is also out to establish the almost exact amount of time that the customer gets responded to. As a company apple is trying to establish its competence in customer service when it comes to responding to their needs. Most of the customers as well here seem to get their response in a span of less than 12 hours. It is all logical to know that customers especially if one is calling regarding problem with products provided by apple company among them phones which are an everyday use a 12 hour wait for them to attend and fix a problem is long. Therefore the response shows that most of the customers get delayed service hence it’s in order for apple to improve on the above (Trochim, 2000, p 78). Referring to the third question in regards to the second question. We come across customers calling for all the varied reasons this includes warranty claim, more information on the products, web pages among others. Looking at this in a customer’s point of view it clearly shows some sort of inefficiency. This is because when cu stomer is calling to inquire about for instance there settings with the web pages and they get the response after 2 hours or so. The information they needed might not be of any help later .People ask questions to get direct answers to solve their problems according to philosopher Rene Decartes. While information gets to an individual not immediately it does not serve the intended purpose. Only 19% of the customers seem to have gotten the information in less than 2 hours (Fraser, 1990, p 76). According to the research we gather that those with problems with functionality of the products, and service problem had to wait for the longest time. As indicated prior apple products are an everyday use therefore their failure to function or delayed fixing can cause an individual a job, money time, it has power even to spoil a day and even break a relationship either personal or professional. Apple customers as the research gathers are young people by young we are talking less than 40 year old s that is where the customer base is. The company has been able to detain this age group because of its products that are saying compatible with the age. This age comprises late teens this is where freshmen in college fall to the young entrepreneurs who are striving hard to climb the corporate ladder. Basically what this age comprises is the proverbial young and energetic. Therefore having established that apple company has the right information required to identify its strength and weaknesses among its customers (Trochim, 2000, p 57). The question that rates the customer service the research finds out the customer service at apple is rated very low that is it falls below average. The customer service

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Global Setting Essay Example for Free

Global Setting Essay With the rapid expansion of globalization coupled with an amazing digital revolution, the civilization has taken a quantum leap to land in an era where the world seems to be a global village. Consequently, this new era demands a matching code of conduct from humans, of which the format would be new but the content would be based on ancient values. This is because, the modern lifestyle is full of all kind of communications 24/7, ranging from home, office, family, business associate, society, etc. Human activities have risen to a great height these days, thanks to the state-of-the art communication systems, which expanded and fastened the entire communication process, all the while wiping away physical boundaries of regions and creating a cross-cultural platform for the civilization. All of the above clearly show how much important it is to be culturally competent in the modern world to make the most of the advancement of science and technology. However, at the core of cultural competency remains the ancient set of values, which acts like the steering wheel of human mind and thus the set of values commands primary attention, which contains the elements like personal values, organizational values, cultural values and ethics. This essay explores the nuances of the above elements before analyzing how an individual can reconcile them in a global setting. Background Even as the personal, organizational and cultural values and ethics sound somewhat similar, each of them is unique in its own way. For example, Ethics is the study of the choices people make regarding right and wrong (Paul Elder, 2003, p. 11). Accordingly, it is open to individual interpretation, since determination of right and wrong or good and bad is subjective. This is where the humans need some set principles that would guide them especially in the modern global setting, where people from various cultures work together. It is here the organizational values and ethics differ from the personal ethics – which adopts its own set of values and ethics that would suit their multicultural workplace environment. Accordingly the researchers opine, Organizations are often considered monoliths that have their own persona, values and ethics†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kruckeberg, 1998, p. 47). However, the universally accepted premise of ethics like doing maximum good for maximum people maintains its place – though again there may be different interpretation of that concept due to different cultural connotations – for example if a vegetarian considers eating non-vegetarian food as unethical, then that would be personal interpretation or choice of the person, besides being a subject of private practice. Now the global setting might bring in the said person with said set of values in such a workplace where most people like non-vegetarian dishes, thereby presenting another interpretation of personal value. However in both the cases the central idea would remain common – that food is our source of sustenance. It is because of such situations amid global setting, the researchers stress on maintaining ethical guidelines in the workplace or in a multicultural society. Accordingly the companies adopt ethical models to establish their ethical culture that would dictate its ethical norms and the employee behavior (Trevino, 1986; Hunt and Vitell, 1986). According to Paul Elder (2002, p. 13), this helps individuals to lessen their attention to the importance of individual judgment in ethical decision-making and instead, concentrate on the organizational ethics. Another important aspect of such models is that they help the members of the organizations to avoid the role-conflict arising out of the differences between organizational ethical culture and personal ethical philosophies. Personal Ethical Perspective Personal ethical perspective depends on the degree of ethical awareness in a person, where s/he might base it either on what it is good to be or what it is good to do, towards attaining moral excellence. However, there are more dimensions to it, since there are various theories that explain the issue in their own way. For example, utilitarian concept can influence a person to see ethics from any of the four angles like Pleasure concept of Jeremy Benthan, Happiness concept of John Stuart Mill, Ideals concept of G. E. Moore, or Preference concept of Kenneth Arrow (Utilitarianism, 2008). However, all of the above dimensions carry the basic insight of utilitarianism, which suggests that the purpose of morality is to make the world a better place and therefore, humans should work towards that direction (Ethics, 2006). Organizational Code of Ethics Organizational code of ethics is a set of standards, rules, guidelines, and values that govern and guide ethical business behavior in a company, profession, or organization of its employees, interactions among the employees, and interactions between the employees and the general public (12MANAGE, 2009). Thus it is distinctly different from the personal code of ethics in the sense that it evolves from the organizational culture – as Trevino would put it, ethical culture is a subset of organizational culture, representing a multidimensional interplay among various formal and informal systems of behavior control that are capable of promoting ethical or unethical behavior (Trevino et al. , 1995, p. 12). Thus here the values are imposed and the employees have the responsibility to align them with their own set of values. However, it is always expected that the code of ethics maintained in a company would never miss the central theme of ethics, i. e. , maximum good for maximum number of people. Mechanism of Personal Ethical Philosophies An understanding on the mechanism of individual difference in personal ethical philosophies is very important towards reconciling the values. The above can be framed by two factors like idealism and relativism, says Forsyth (1980), where he underpins idealism as the indicator of the magnitude of an individuals concern regarding an action, and how the consequence of that action affects the welfare of others. For example, a low idealistic individual might endorse harmful action with the belief that such action would bring greater good, while a high idealistic individual would always believe the opposite and pass on only those actions that would lead to positive consequences. (Forsyth, 1980; Forsyth, 1992). Forsyth (1980) takes relativism as the indicator of the magnitude of an individuals concern regarding accepting or rejecting the universal moral principles. For example, high relativistic individuals would be open to admit that there are more than one ways to perceive the concept of ethics and moral actions, since ethics are dependent on the nature of the situation. On the other hand, low relativistic people would believe in moral absolutes, and would base their ethical decision making process on fixed principles (Forsyth, 1992). The above understanding generates the idea that towards reconciling all values, the individuals need to accommodate the facts like there are many ways to perceive ethics as different situations influence human perception. However, here comes the issue of role conflict, or the fear of losing ones own personal set of values and ethics, since the theories on ethics suggest that organizational code of conduct or norms of ethics affect the personal ethical philosophies of its members, and eventually re-shape their ethical judgment and behavior (Hunt and Vitell, 1986; Baucus and Near 1991). While role conflict emerges when humans find themselves incompatible to the requests, policies and expectations of others (Rizzo et al. , 1970), it is here Forsyths (1980) concept comes in handy, as one can exploit it to find what type of people would go for what – for example, a high-relativistic individual may excuse an unethical decision if that serves their self-interest – since they are the ones who accommodate multiple concept of ethics and believe that ethical actions depend on the specific situations (Barnett et al. , 1996). This shows that high-relativists are less likely to suffer from role conflict due to their adaptive attitude regarding ethics. On the other hand, high-idealists, who prefer to operate on fixed principles of ethics, stand to suffer from role conflict, since the values that their organizations prescribe to maintain may go beyond their fixed set of values (Schermerhorn et al. , 2002, p. 63). Cultural Values Cultural values may influence the making of an idealist or relativist of different magnitudes, yet it has its limitation, since it is mostly confined by geographical boundaries. Therefore, multiculturalism can always extend ones perception of values much in the mold of Chinese delicacies that have become a common feature across the globe. There is another reason – no one is actually forced to remain within the boundaries of ones own culture and thus, the positive sides of other cultures have enough potential to convert even the high-idealists to high-relativists! The above state of affairs clearly shows that reconciliation of personal, organizational, and cultural values and ethics depends on several factors like below: 1. Ones own personal state of belief; 2. Ones own understanding of the concept of ethics; 3. The intensity of it in the persons decision-making process; 4. The nature of the value-set prescribed by the organization; 5. Proximity and involvement to the primary culture; 6. Appropriate training of cultural comepetency. Conclusion While managing cultural values does not seem to be a daunting task (one can easily maintain a good chunk of them in private), the issue of managing personal and organizational values amid global setting may be difficult if people dont prepare them accordingly. And, going by the theorists, this journey seems to start from high-idealist point to high-relativists, and thus, it can also be assumed that there is always the possibility to misjudge the situation or to be driven by the philosophy of convenience. Therefore, the individuals themselves should set their line of control on the scale of high-idealist to high-relativist. A balance in them is always desirable to get the maximum out of the current global setting. For that matter, members of organizations need to learn and practice decision-making in real-life situations. There are several cultural competency training modules available, like Kwongs Model (Kwong, 2008) or Griggs Model (2005) that work towards developing the cultural sensitivity and awareness among the subjects. Apart from that, good knowledge on applicable ethics theories, such as Dialogic Theory (Buber, 1955) can come in handy, because it helps to underpin the state of communication and to act accordingly. Therefore, in todays multicultural global setting, humans require to trade cautiously on the multidimensional sphere of ethics to achieve happiness, peace and prosperity. References 12MANAGE. (2009). Web document. Retrieved June 21, 2009, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://www.12manage.com/description_code_of_ethics.html Barnett, T., Bass, K., Brown, G.. (1996). Religiosity, personal moral philosophy, and intentions to report a peers wrong doing. Journal of Business Ethics, 15, 1161-  Ã‚   1174. Baucus, M. S., Near, LP. (1991). Can illegal corporate behavior be predicated? An   Ã‚  Ã‚   event history analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 34 (1): 9-36. Buber, M. (1955). Dialogue. In Between Man and Man. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. Ethics Matters. (2006). Web archive. Retrieved June 21, 2009, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http://ethics.sandiego.edu/theories/Utilitarianism/

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ion Channels Affected by LSD :: Hallucinogens Drugs Essays

Ion Channels Affected by LSD Research with LSD has been very limited by two major factors: lack of human subjects and laws against it as a controlled substance. These deterrents have caused a big hole in what can be discovered about this hallucinogen at the ion channels it affects and in turn those effects on inhibitory and excitatory potentials of the cell. It was difficult to obtain clear explanations about exactly what was going on at the neuron level. Later it was discovered that most experiments were carried out on rodents. This may not sound like it is such a bad thing because human subjects were not being put in positions where their health could be affected by the drug, but in fact there is a slight difference in rodent and human brains. LSD affects a serotonergic receptor type 2A (5- HT2A), which is different in rats to humans in its structure and activity, and behavior "may not strictly parallel those in humans" (Nichols, 2004). This could cause researches to get different results in what they would see in experimental rats and to what may actually be happening in humans. Another deterrent that has somewhat slowed down the process of understanding LSD at the neuron level is the law. LSD is scheduled as a controlled substance; Schedule I, to be exact, which means that it is illegal to posses, sell, or buy without a DEA license. You can imagine what would happen if a researcher was caught with a substantial amount of LSD, and possibly the difficulty in obtaining a license that will allow someone to posses a powerful illegal substance. These things are exactly what will repel researchers from using such a substance. The only almost certain aspect of LSD is that it has a similar chemical composition as serotonin (5-HT) and will especially act on 5-HT2 receptors. However, LSD is the only known hallucinogen to bind to dopamine receptors. It will activate postsynaptic dopamine receptors if the dose is high enough to do so. LSD also binds to alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors that are involved sympathetic nervous system control of smooth muscles. It is also a competitive antagonist at histamine receptors and will produce inhibitory messages. LSD also acts mysteriously on the visual cortex. At low doses, LSD will stimulate the visual cortex and higher doses will inhibit this area. LSD research has flipped it from being an antagonist to an

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What Technology Has Made America Today

Technology has been a very big contribution to this generation. Like everything in this world, things age as well as evolve and change. One aspect that has begun to change is where and how we use technology. Three major examples are in the work place, how we monitor our elderly parents or siblings, and how it improved our medicine.While these three topics may seem very different, after reading two articles from the New York Times and one from The New Yorker, â€Å"Technologies Help Adult Children Monitor Aging Parents† and â€Å"The Year of the Multitaskers’ Revenge,† from the TImes and â€Å"The Way We Age Now† from The New Yorker, you can see they are also alike in many ways. One similarity these three pieces of writing share is that life can be much easier with the use of technology as you age. At the work place, technology can help one stay on top of tasks he or she has to complete before the day is done with reminders on a smart phone or their work co mputer.Also, when it comes to monitoring aging parents, a reminder on any type of technology device they are able to use can help one remember to take their pills or blood pressure for example. And finally technology has improved medicine which has lead to people living longer and reaching higher ages before death. Another similarity these three articles also have in terms of technology is people may not want to be watched or monitored. Whether it be in the work place or at home no one wants to feel they are not independent and being observed at all times.At work one can be monitored by cameras and by supervisors checking their computer history. According to the article â€Å"Technologies Help Adult Children Monitor Aging Parents,† a child adult can be updated on almost everything their parent does including opening doors and cabinets, taking out pills and medication, and even what time they got out of bed. In America this may not sit well with a lot of people and can very we ll cause a person to choose not to work a this facility. It can also cause an elderly parent to look elsewhere for permanent residence.With people living longer this is becoming more likely for people to use some type of technology to monitor an elderly sibling. Efficiency is another similarity all of these articles share. Technology has helped America be more efficient. For example in the work place, one can file and keep everything organized simply by putting things into files electronically and not worrying about transferring them anywhere else by carrying them. There are different ways to transfer files such as emails and file sharing.You can even save files to a memory card or flash drive to take electronic things to go. When it comes to child adults monitoring their parents, technology can help the children by receiving updates straight to their phone about their parents needs in a stress-free manner. Lastly technology has caused medicine to make elderlies immune systems more efficient. Things like digital machines that can take blood sugar levels instead of getting a prick on your finger help efficiency, which is causing people to live longer than we are used to.Along with these similarities there are also differences, one being the elderly may not use or need technology to continue with their daily lives, but at a work place it can be mandated to use on a daily basis. Some jobs may have training for using technology and in order to get the job you may need to know how to work a computer. On the other hand an elderly person may choose to be monitored and learn how to use technology at their own free will. Other elderly people may not use any type of technology.For example, going to the doctors office and using their technology to better their health. One reason they may choose not to use technology is because it was not a part of their generation and they don't think they would find it useful. Another difference between these three writings is the types of challenges it may cause for the person using technology. In a work environment technology may cause an employee to lose focus on the job because he or she is multi-tasking or focusing on their phone, facebook, or some type of other social networking.In an elderly home, the person might not fully know how to use all the technology and this may cause some type of frustration. Not only can it be hard for them to figure it out if it gets damaged they most likely would not know how to repair it and calling some one to fix it would make them feel dependent on others. One other difference with technology from the work place and at home with an elderly parent is the kind of entertainment it provides you, or if it provides any type entertainment.At work social networks and music can help one move through the day much more smooth and rapidly. Some elderly parents or siblings can become annoyed or not even engage in any of the technology present in the house. Many elderly like to do things that have nothing to do with technology, like garden and going for walks. So even though the technology has some sort of entertainment for them they might not even use it. With medicine, pills, blood pressure cuffs, or anything else one might have to take or use for health can be very unpleasant.A result of technology is its ability to make America more efficient. It also can be beneficial to everyones life, even the people who are aging. Though there are some arguments that claim it does not always have a positive impact, like the distraction it may have during ones work day. The pros do outweigh the cons and it is better to have technology in the workplace. It is beneficial to child adults as well, if their parent lives in a different city, town, or even state they can keep up with their habits and health all through a phone or computer.Not only does it help the child but the parent as well because the parent still gets to live independently and can speak to their children quickl y and easily as long as they learn to use the technology device. Technology has also helped Americans to live longer than usual and as the technology and medicine increase so does the average age of a person passing. It can also help other people with everyday things, and it is rapidly improving from day to day. As people continue to age technology will continue to grow. As long as we keep ourselves up to date everyone can see aging and technology can go hand in hand. `

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Burt ‘s Bees

Colors purchased Burt ‘s Bees for our reputation in personal health care niche market. But we stay in the same market with same products for almost 20 years. Our regular market could not provide us an even more profitable market. We recommend turn Burst's Bees into a mainstream American market with multiple products combination to earn the profit minimization. According to the Colors research recently, 53 percent of consumers willing to pay for CEO-friendly products, and 47 percent of those customers want to pay 20-25 percent more on these natural reduces.That is to say, being natural and healthy Is the customers demand. From almost 1 billion for the big opportunities In the market for green goods. All these signs Indicate that we should shift our business from niche market Into mass market. Although we have thought the Idea keeping Burst's Bees stay In the niche market, such as developing partnership with spa chain to malting our Image as a premium status. The approach Is stil l not able to maximize our profit. Our product decisions should start with clear product lines and brand image. I suggest we keep the original Burt s bees image on the products.Our products should be segment into different product lines, face and lip care for mass customers as regular product lines, body care, baby care and makeup for high-end customers as our luxury products lines. By saying so, I mean that natural personal care is a trend. We should launch different product lines to meet different demands rather than staying in the same and simple product line. The next step is choosing the distribution channel. I suggest keep our luxury lines products stay in the drugs store or healthy store, besides, we commend display our body and baby care products into shopping mall such as Kohl ‘s and Macy's.In this way, Burst's Bees could remain a premium image to keep the good relationship with clients in the niche market. On the other hand, we recommend put our lips and hand care pr oducts into big-box market, such as Wall- Mart. Display the Burt Bees products near the Colors promotion shelves. In this way, those used to buy Colors stuff, especially those housewives can easily find the personal care products, Burt ‘s Bess particularly. Even they do not know our products fore, they care the natural products, they care their own healthy, and they can easily find such products in the market.I believe there is a big potential market among them. When choosing the price channel, we aim to stay the premium price In our luxury product lines, in order to keep the strong brand awareness of the natural and healthy. In the super market, we recommend set the price friendly strategy on our lip, hand and face care products. In addition, we could provide some coupon with Closer's products, provide discount package for Burst's bees and Colors products to attract those potential clients. Following this, we suggest to put a large portion of the profit Into advertising budge t.As a part of the company, we could use this opportunity expand our recognition and rebind the CEO-friendly Image of Colors. This can be done through TV advertisement, funding TV program such as â€Å"Discovery, given sponsorship to environment events and distribute Burst's Bees lip balm as samples, and direct mail with coupon to household or provide the discount to straight to mass market could bring an even more profitable result to Burt ‘s Bees, and create a more CEO-friendly image for Colors.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Neurofibromatosis Essays - Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Free Essays

Neurofibromatosis Essays - Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Free Essays Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis is a disorder affecting the chromosomes of the human body. It is a hereditary disorder affecting the nervous system. The term neurofibromatosis actually refers to two different genetic diseases. The most common type is NF 1, and the less common type is NF 2. Both disorders are transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion. An autosomal dominant disease is a disorder caused by the presence of a single autosomal dominant gene; an abnormal factor located on any chromosome other than the sex chromosome. They are both characterized by occurrences in multiple neurofibromas. The main symptom of these disorders is tumors that form on the ends of nerves throughout the body. NF 1 is most commonly diagnosed during childhood. The most outstanding symptoms seem to occur during adolescence and pregnancy. Although the symptoms of NF vary and are unpredictable another common sign is brown spots on the skin. The markings on the body usually measure .5cm in diameter for younger children and can reach 1.5cm by adulthood. They can also decipher NF by observing markings or freckling on the iris. The most common tumors occurring with NF 1 are located under the skin. They have even been found in deeper areas of the body. The amount or severity of pain from these tumors can range from minimal pain sparsely to intense pain constantly. One of the most severe results and the most apparent results of these tumors is disfigurement and orthopedic problems. These problems include scoliosis and pseudoarthrisis. There also may be some delaying in sexual maturation. There are many more learning disabilities and optic problems that may develop throughout their life. Neurofibromatosis 2 has symptoms that usually develop much later in life compared to NF1. Most people are diagnosed with NF2 between the ages of 14 and 20. There are fewer symptoms for this type than NF1. There are fewer brown spots on the body. This disorder is noted for the frequency of tumors found on the spinal cord and brain. These tumors more often than not cause loss of hearing or a ringing sounds to occur in the ears. The probability of being effected by neurofibromatosis is very surprising. It is actually one of the most common genetic disorders in the United States. The probability of being born with NF1 is 1 in 4000. The probability of being born with NF2 is 1 in 50000. This disorder effects all ethnic races and sexes. Because NF is an autosomal dominant genetic condition you cant get it from other people. Statistics show that only about 50% of those affected with NF have family history of NF. The only way to get NF is from your parents. The parents can only give NF to their offspring if they are also plagued by this disorder. In the past few years there have been huge advancements in treatment for neurofibromatosis. They still havent found a cure or effective treatment for this disorder. They have deciphered that NF1 effects chromosome 17 and that Nf2 effects chromosome 22. The problem with finding a cure for this disorder is that about of all cases occur due to new mutations of the genes. In 1990 scientists were able to clone the gene of NF1 and then produce its protein, neurofibromin. Once again in 1993 they were able to clone the gene of NF2 and create its protein, Merlin/ schwannomin. One of the only treatments for this disorder is removal of the tumors which is done like the removal of any other tumor. New advancements are made everyday toward finding the secret behind this disorder. Taking this fact into consideration, doctors must always be kept up to date concerning new procedures and treatment of this disorder. Even though there have been huge advances in understanding this disorder there is no medical therapy available. The diagnosis of NF1 and NF2 are still largely based on clinical criteria. The diagnosis for NF1 was established by the NIH Consensus Development Conference. They stated specifically that 2 or more of the following must be present: (1) 6 or more Caf-au-lait macules (brown spots) are present, (2) 2 or more neurofibromas (tumors), (3) freckling in the axillary or inguinal regions, (4) an optic pathway tumor,

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Physical Properties of Matter

Physical Properties of Matter Physical properties are any properties of matter which can be perceived or observed without changing the chemical identity of the sample. In contrast, chemical properties are those that can only be observed and measured by performing a chemical reaction, thus changing the molecular structure of the sample. Because physical properties include such a wide array of characteristics, they are further classified as either intensive or extensive and either isotropic or anisotropic. Intensive and Extensive Physical Properties Physical properties may be classified as either intensive or extensive. Intensive physical properties do not depend on the samples size or mass.  Examples of intensive properties include boiling point, state of matter, and density. Extensive physical properties depend on the amount of matter in the sample. Examples of extensive properties include size, mass, and volume. Isotropic and Anisotropic Properties Physical properties are isotropic properties if they do not depend on the orientation of the specimen or direction from which it is observed. The properties are anisotropic properties if they do depend on the orientation. While any physical property could be assigned as isotropic or anisotropic, the terms are usually applied to help identify or distinguish materials based on their optical and mechanical properties. For example, one crystal might be isotropic with respect to color and opacity, while another might appear a different color, depending on the viewing axis. In a metal, grains might be distorted or elongated along one axis compared with another. Examples of Physical Properties Any property you can see, smell, touch, hear or otherwise detect and measure without performing a chemical reaction is a physical property. Examples of physical properties include: colorshapevolumedensitytemperatureboiling pointviscositypressuresolubilityelectric charge Image By Marc Gutierrez / Getty Images Physical Properties of Ionic vs. Covalent Compounds The nature of chemical bonds plays a role in some of the physical properties that may be displayed by a material. The ions in ionic compounds are strongly attracted to other ions with opposite charge and repelled by like charges. Atoms in covalent molecules are stable and not strongly attracted or repelled by other parts of the material. As a consequence ionic solids tend to have higher melting points and boiling points, compared with low melting and boiling points of covalent solids. Ionic compounds tend to be electrical conductors when they are melted or dissolved, while covalent compounds tend to be poor conductors in any form. Ionic compounds are usually crystalline solids, while covalent molecules may exist as liquids, gases, or solids. Ionic compounds often dissolve in water and other polar solvents, while covalent compounds are more likely to dissolve in nonpolar solvents. Physical Properties vs. Chemical Properties Chemical properties encompass those characteristics of matter which can only be observed by changing the chemical identity of a sample, which is to say, by examining its behavior in a chemical reaction. Examples of chemical properties include flammability (observed from combustion), reactivity (measured by readiness to participate in a reaction), and toxicity (demonstrated by exposing an organism to a chemical). Chemical and Physical Changes Chemical and physical properties are related to chemical and physical changes. A physical change only alters the shape or appearance of a sample and not its chemical identity. A chemical change is a chemical reaction, which rearranges a sample on a molecular level.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Management strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Management strategies - Assignment Example The competitive forces that shape strategies ensure that the strategy stays in power. Competitive forces mold strategies to effectiveness and as such the strategy stays in power. According to Porter (2008), there are five forces that shape strategies. These forces determine the profitability of an industry in the long run by influencing how the economic value it creates is apportioned. These forces are supplier power, buyer power, competitive rivalry, the threat of substitution and the threat of new entry. Supplier power can determine the profitability of a company. Suppliers are the providers of raw materials, labor or other materials used in production. Suppliers have the power to drive up the prices of the inputs used in production. When the suppliers raise the prices of the inputs used in production, the company ends up having high production costs and this, in turn, reduces profit. The fewer the suppliers a company has, the more the power they have on the company and the more th ey determine the profitability of the business. The buyers are the consumers of a company’s product. The buyer has the power to determine the profitability of a company because they influence sales. When the buyers cease from consuming a company’s products sales will be low hence low profits. Buyers also have the power to determine the prices of a product. When a company deals with few powerful buyers, they have the power to dictate various terms of doing business such as the prices of the product.